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SuiteTV is now live!

By June 17, 2014April 9th, 2024No Comments

SuiteTV Episode One: Life in the Cloud – For Sustainability

We’re excited to finally announce the launch of our Life in the Cloud series over on Suite TV!

Over six episodes we’ll be exploring the value of doing business in the cloud. Each new episode brings you a new real-life story from a Suite user and how moving their files to the cloud has impacted their business.

This week, we’ve started close to home, our featured Suite users are us! We’ll share with you why we wanted to drink our own champagne, and how our Life in the Cloud is helping us to be a more sustainable business.

Click to watch and enjoy!

Keen to make your business more sustainable by migrating your files to the Cloud too? We can help! Get in touch here to have a chat.