Craig, the director of Resource Accounting, talks about why he transitioned to SuiteFiles and the main benefits for his practice!

We originally looked at SuiteFiles in 2013. By the time we revisited it in 2017, the functionality improvements were impressive and there were so many definite benefits for our practice.
The problem
We were using Google Drive, but the integrations with XPM were difficult to use, and the search facilities weren’t of the standard we needed for our practice.
SuiteFiles benefits
Not once have we regretted the move to SuiteFiles. We love the support provided by the team, and the benefits to our practice have been undeniable. The ability to create and auto-populate templates has been a standout. Instead of reusing the same document as a template and having incremental changes alter it completely, we can now generate templates for our customers and be assured they’re fit for purpose. The XPM integration has also seen time-savings for us. Being able to create our annual work papers and have them file directly into client folders has saved us time and ensured one source of truth for all of our client information and documents. Between the template features and its strong integration with XPM, SuiteFiles saves us an average of 5hrs per staff member, per week.
Since making the jump back in 2017, we’ve been happy to see SuiteFiles continually improve. This extends from subtle changes like having saved emails updated with subsequent correspondence, all the way to the new features they’ve introduced. Now that we’ve been using SuiteFiles for 4 years, pulling up the app is second nature.
- Google Drive.
- Clunky search.
- Several manual processes.
- SuiteFiles ‘Super Suite’.
- Automations through templates.
- Integration into XPM.
Key benefits
- Template creation for not just Word, Excel and emails, but also for folder structures has been a key time saver.
- Two-way integration with XPM means that there is a single source of truth for client information and documents.
- Very smooth initial set up process, and continued support from the Suite Team!
Tips and tricks
- Before taking the plunge with a new app, check out all the existing features in the apps you’re currently using. Doing so will ensure you’re getting the most out of your app stack and potentially save you some unnecessary subscriptions.
Think broadly when templating folder structures
- When templating folder structures, its best to add as many folders as you could conceivably need. The golden rule here is that its easier to delete folders than add them retroactively.